Works by MaryLou Washko


MaryLou Washko portrait

My story

My interests have always spanned from creative to technical.

During high school I exerted my creative energy in the Communications Media shop (photography, graphic arts, radio and TV) where I developed a deep passion for graphics and photography. In my free time I worked with a Nikon F3 High Eye-point film camera system to photograph weddings, events, portrait and modeling photos. I then purchased a digital Nikon D3200 and spent many years creating with Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere.

I was once told I missed my calling in psychology but I'd rather apply the insight to advertising instead. While involved in community TV, I conceived ideas for television ads and performed voice overs for several local business commercials.

My professional career was more technical. While studying to becoming a baseband TV Broadcast Engineer, I realized the potential of the Web and that the future belonged to Wireless, Broadband and the Internet. While employed as a Sr Digital Electronics Technician in Engineering, I set out to study business, software development, database and web technologies. I was then able to combine my technical and creative skills into Web Design and Development, including Marketing.

For 13 years I worked full time while attending college and accelerated programs in the evening. I applied what I learned in SQL and software development to my day jobs.

My college pursuits were focused on an

  • Associate in Business Administration/Computer Science, Software Development and Database (2006)
  • Associates in Applied Science in Web Development (2013)
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, Software Development and Database (2012)

As far back as 2009, I coded websites in my spare time for organizations, my brother's company, and at some of the companies of which I was employed. I focused on Marketing, Semantics, Responsive Design, SEO, Google Analytics and in UX/UI, Web and Accessibility best practices. I coded by hand on LAMP and .NET, and work within WordPress and HubSpot - among knowledge of other CMS.

In the course of my journey, I have coded with

  • HTML4, HTM5, DOM, CSS2, and CSS3
  • JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery, Knockout.js, and Bootstrap
  • VB6, VBA with Excel (with PowerQuery) and using Access for SQL
  • .NET: VB.Net, ASP.Net, C# and C++
  • SQL: MS SQL, MS Server, MySQL, Oracle
  • objective-C, Python

My graphics and photography skills have been used for

  • Social Media
  • Email Blasts
  • Email Newsletters
  • Company Newsletters
  • Brochures
  • Posters
  • Technical Illustrations
  • Greeting Cards and Invitations
  • Print and Web advertisements (adverts)
  • Videos

Much of the code I created in engineering and analysis is confidential and I cannot link to nor publish it here. Below are some examples of my public work to explore. Please check back often as I continue to build this site.

Thank you for visiting!

View my resume

Links to professional web pages and graphics

WordPress at Globus Medical

Globus Medical has, in recent years, outsourced its website development. The 10 Wordpress sites I managed are no longer published. I do have some screen captures that I will be adding here for view.

WordPress at Danco Precision

While employed at Danco Precision, I maintained the company WordPress site. During that time I optimized the site, removed unnecessary code, fixed link and layout issues, and performed updates to the plugins and themes.

Advertisements at MP Filtri

At MP Filtri my graphics skills were put to use in company newsletters, posters, web banners and web/print advertisements.

Banners at MP Filtri

Along with the advertisements, I created graphics for email newsletters, and banners displayed on the FluidPower World website.

4 SIGMA Innovations Website

This site is coded by hand and has been an ongoing project between three people since 2014. I perform the layout design and code for this site.Please Note, all graphics, videos and brochures are created by the business owner and his son (my brother and nephew).

Links to web pages, demos, and graphics

Web Site Examples

Audio Commercial

  • Tree Service Commercial
    written and created by MaryLou at WPAZ 1987
    transferred from reel-to-reel to cassette, then to mp3 - thus the quality has suffered

Websites featured in my portfolio

Current Project - code only

4 SIGMA Innovations, LLC is an four page website with 3 landing pages created for SEO and marketing purposes. The home page is an example of a one page site using jQuery to show and hide content according to which navigation anchor is actuated. The images are swapped out using JavaScript. Other pages consist of a splash page, a terms and conditions pop-up, an in-depth product description page, and a product installation instruction page. The installation instruction page includes a "TV" built using MVC and data-binding with Knockout.js to view the various videos published on YouTube. Previous logo designs for the site can be viewed here.

The original site was published in 2014 and is continuously being updated to enhance SEO, reflect accessibility concerns, and to be more responsive. HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery, and Knockout.js were used to create the site. The RSS feed page is built using XML, XSLT, and CSS styles. Google tags, schema and Rich Cards were also included.

Please Note! I only code this website. The pictures, illustrations, brochure and videos were created by the owner, Michael Washko of 4 SIGMA Innovations, LLC. The company logo was designed and created by the owner's son, Bryan Washko. (Bryan also created the logo for Space Donkey and the Moon Bouncers.)

This website has been an ongoing project. I am volunteering to code this site for my brother in exchange for a place to practice working with code, demo my capabilities, and publish this portfolio.

Professional experience

While working at Danco Precision, I managed the company website. The original content was left in place, however there was a great deal of clean-up performed in the source code and on the server with intension to improve site rank and SEO.

I kept the site plugins, themes, Wordpress version, PRI logo and certification updated; rewrote the code for the text ITAR Registrant Code: M27003 so it didn't wrap around the images (and now drops down in responsive design using the flex control) I fixed broken links, corrected the location parameters for the Google map; cleaned out unnecessary plugins and files on the server; and performed regular backups of the site files and databases: both manually and through a backup plugin. I added the job openings in the menu that link to their respective job descriptions and removed the 'Contact Us' form as the new hosting account did not have email.

Action Items that I intended to do before my role was eliminated were to update the theme to the latest version; recreate the sliders on the 'Capabilities' page to animate the same (some flash when the images change); fix the navigation menu for tablet view; fix the layout on the 'Capabilities' page; add new items to the "News" section; and move the domain registration over to the current host, etc.

I would perform this website maintenance in between my regular analysis workload.

  • Globus Medical US - previous WordPress site
  • Globus Medical International - previous WordPress site
  • Globus Medical SI-LOK® - previous WordPress site
  • Algea Therapies - previous WordPress site
  • MERC North American / International calendars - previous WordPress site
  • IASA - previous WordPress site
  • Bone Bank Allograft - previous WordPress site

Professional experience

I was the sole web developer in the Marketing department at Globus Medical from June 2015 until November 2016. I enjoyed working this role up until the Creative Department was restructured. I updated and maintained previous versions of the Globus Medical, International, SI-LOK, Algea Therapies, and IASA WordPress sites. I installed, configured, and created the MERC site of which I would help the surgeon trainers maintain. In recent years, the websites have been outsourced and combined into one.

There were 4 other websites that were in process when I left. Bone Bank Allograft's site was built by a third party outside of the US and I updated the formatting, links, and added new content. The site was published after I left and later outsourced and redesigned. Another was created by the previous web designer that I was maintaining and preparing to publish. A third WordPress site I installed and configured on an existing cPanel and started to add content to the site. I had also created the cPanel for the installation and configuration of a fourth WordPress site as well. The three latter sites remain unpublished.

In addition to the websites, I performed troubleshooting in removing spam and malware from all of their sites when I first took over. I cleaned up the code on the product pages for SEO purposes and initially set up the HubSpot CMS, managed contact lists, and created emails for surgeons and sales. I also built the contact forms for the websites from with HubSpot.

  • St Andrew church - previous .NET website

Professional experience

While working at Orbit Software I performed content updates to the site they sponsored for the church that the owners attended. The site was hosted on the .NET platform, was coded in ASP.NET, C#, and conncted to SQL Server. I converted some Classic ASP code to ASP.Net on the site. This site has since been replaced. In addition to the website, I also updated several reports generated in their software package called BusBoss.

  • Archdiocesan Boy Choir of Philadelphia - previous FrontPage website

Initial experience

I volunteered to perform updates to this website while I was studying web development in college, during a time when my nephews sang in this choir. The website is no longer published, however I have created a pdf from the back up files that I had available for the Oh Holy Night CD details page. I used HTML4, CSS2, RealPlayer® Producer and JAVA applets when working on this site. The site was created in FrontPage, however I used ftp to download, hand-code and then upload the new page after archiving the original on the server.

Note: The Archdiocesan Boy Choir of Philadelphia now performs as the Savio Boy Choir and continues to be directed by Mr. Thomas Windfelder. The choir is named after St. Dominic Savio who is the patron saint of choir boys. I highly recommend attending their performance to hear this amazing boy choir.


At the time, I felt the navigation of Joe's site could be restructured to present his illustrations better, so I rebuilt the site for practice with his permission. Joe's current site is built within the web host's template. I created this version of the site using a template (Renderings.htm) coded in JavaScript and DOM to change out the three types of renderings (Homes, Architectural, and Commercial) in which the banner, side navigation, and footer sections are all embedded in the page and the content is encased in an iframe. This site was built in 2012, does not reflect a responsive design and has little SEO added as it is only a design demo. It does however illustrate the use of an accordian navigation, and JSON and AJAX to pull in the prices from a text file, which is something Joe was preferring to do when updating his pricing.

This portfolio was coded by hand in Notepad with little SEO in mind and listed as 'no index' as I did not want it searchable at this time. This site is always in progress, please check back to see what else has been added or changed.